Emergency and Roadside Service Available
in Knoxville, TN
Auto Services in Knoxville, TN
Towing Services
Stranded on the side of the highway? We have emergency towing service available to assist you! Contact us today to find out more.
Servicing vehicles of all sizes
Our services are available for all vehicles large and small. These include cars, trucks, RVs, buses, specialty vehicles and more!
Mobile Repair available
Have vehicle issues and need us to come to you? Well worry no more! With our mobile repair service, your vehicle issues will be history.
We guarantee parts and labor for 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever comes first) with our NAPA AutoCare “Peace of Mind” warranty service.
“They were Excellent.Re routed a truck to come help us when they heard we were stranded for 22 hours. Looked at all the tires and found another 1 with a broken belt. Thank you Jack!!!!”
Yolanda Key
“Very quick, professional service. Had a transmission fluid leak on our VW Rialta RV. They made a service call to our location. Arrived and fixed the issue quickly. Both mechanics, Adam and Steven, were friendly, professional, and knowledgeable. Very impressed with this company and grateful for their quick service. Would definitely recommend!!”
Sarabeth Allen
“Our 36ft RV broke down on the side of busy I-40 with limited room in relentless pouring rain. The huge 18 Wheelers were not moving over and flying by us. We were terrified. By the time our Ins company connected us with this terrific company 3 hours passed. The two gentlemen in the tow truck were extremely competent and reassuring. They towed us to their shop in Knoxville and allowed us to hook up to power overnight. The next morning they quickly identified the problem and we we on our way!!! They are true professionals. We won’t forget it.”
Pat Robinson
Our service area includes, but is not limited to:
Knoxville and surrounding Counties, Knoxville to Virginia State Line, and Knoxville to North Carolina state line including North Carolina on I-40 to Asheville, North Carolina city limits. Any requests received for service anywhere in the state of Tennessee or outside will be addressed
Interstate Repair Service
Main Phone: 865-637-4986
Toll-free 800-377-4986
Address: 2208 Thorngrove Pike, Knoxville, TN 37914
Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Roadside assistance and Emergency Service Available
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